Database are the foundations of any application, stores the quintessential data of the business. Out of all the DBMS currently in use, MySQL is considered to be the best due to the high reliability and performance, as well as easy to use. Every system has its security threats, and MySQL databases are not an exception to this rule, either.
IBM’s report reveals that 95 % of the studied organizations have suffered at least one or multiple data breaches; breached organizations are more likely to shift incident costs to consumers (57 %) than to augment security investments (51 %). MySQL offers means of securing the program to minimize the impacts of attacks, and espousing the security of important data.
MySQL Workbench, cross-platform window for architects, developers, and DBA offers a great many of options for securing MySQL database for remote access. This writing will detail it out on how to safeguard your MySQL database as you go through the procedures as per the MySQL Workbench.