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What’s New At Releem - SQL Query Optimization Tool!


Get Ready to Boost Your App Performance with Our Upcoming SQL Query Optimization Tool

At Releem, we're continuously seeking ways to help you maximize the performance of your applications, and we're now taking a huge step toward that goal.

We're thrilled to announce that we're building a new SQL Query Optimization Tool designed to continuously analyze all database queries, identify those that significantly impact the workload, and provide recommendations on optimizing them, whether that's through indexing or rewriting the queries.

We've prepared a screenshot to give you an idea of what it may look like. You’ll notice the new Query Analytics section along the bottom, offering a way to quickly optimize queries that are lagging behind the pack and throttling your performance.

This is where you come in - we're inviting you to join our exclusive waitlist. You'll have early access to test drive this game-changing feature, and your valuable feedback will help us fine-tune it further.

To get on board, click on the link SQL Query Optimization Tool and enter your details.

We are genuinely excited about the opportunities this SQL Query Optimization Tool will offer, and we can't wait to see how it supercharges your app's performance.

Let's make the best out of your applications together!

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